Push Notifications


Want to send out a special notification to Tri-City Certified users? Send a push notification. Push notifications go directly to users phones and can be scheduled up to 90 days in advance at any time of day. It’s a great direct approach to reaching app users.

We recommend push notifications for special deals and promotions, events, and announcements. Up to 4 push notifications may be purchased per month (1 per week). Reserve your spot soon.


Want to send out a special notification to Tri-City Certified users? Send a push notification. Push notifications go directly to users phones and can be scheduled up to 90 days in advance at any time of day. It’s a great direct approach to reaching app users.

We recommend push notifications for special deals and promotions, events, and announcements. Up to 4 push notifications may be purchased per month (1 per week). Reserve your spot soon.

Want to send out a special notification to Tri-City Certified users? Send a push notification. Push notifications go directly to users phones and can be scheduled up to 90 days in advance at any time of day. It’s a great direct approach to reaching app users.

We recommend push notifications for special deals and promotions, events, and announcements. Up to 4 push notifications may be purchased per month (1 per week). Reserve your spot soon.